Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Will I want to Continue Watching Infinity Challenge?

2014 has been a very bad year to the world, whether be it international news, local news or entertainment news. Every incident that has happened this year was indeed shocking, disappointing and saddening.

I'm going to talk about what recently happened to my favourite Korean variety show, Infinity Challenge (IC). Yes, it's another shocking news in the entertainment industry and also disappointing the fans.

On November 8,  IC member Noh Hong-Chul was involved in a drink-driving incident while he was re-parking his car after found that his car was illegally parked. Noh was driving 20-30 meters before he was stopped by the police. He declined to perform a breathalyser test but chose to do a blood test. Although the result of the sobriety test will be released on November 17, he decided to leave his position in "Infinity Challenge" and "I Live Alone", both programs are currently showing on Munhwa Broadcasting Company (MBC) in South Korea ("Infinity Challenge" is currently airing in Singapore after years of waiting on Oh!K, a channel provided by Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific in partnership with MBC).

IC has broadcasted its 400th episode and many things happened along the way before the actual celebration and after that.

In April, due to Sewol tragedy, all South Korean variety shows, music shows and comedies were halted in respect to the tragedy. IC stopped for 2 weeks. However, while people were mourning, IC member Gil (also a member in Leessang) involved in a drink-driving incident, causing an uproar. Remaining members asked him to stay but he chose to leave his position.

What happened after that? His last episode was on April 12 (The "Speed Racer" special). Frankly speaking, I didn't watch that episode.  I "purposely" skipped that episode even though the show was back on air again and didn't know when I would really watch that episode. It's just saddening to hear that. When the show was back on air, his appearance was all edited out although a part of his body and head can be seen. He has yet to return on the show and I don't know whether the audience will forgive him if he comes back. Personally, if he comes back and has done a deep reflection, maybe I would but subsequent actions will be definitely a NO!

In October, a week before the 400th episode special, there was a broadcasting accident where the last 15 minutes of the show had no editing involved. The apology was done in a song sang by Yoo Jae-Suk on the 400th episode. The possibility could be the editors were too focused on the 400th episode and forgot about the actual show to be broadcasted that week.

In November 8, few hours before IC aired, Noh was involved in drink-driving incident, 2nd person to do so, and has withdrawn from the show.  However, there's difference between Gil and Noh in terms of the actual broadcast.

Huge editing was done to Noh when there's less than 12 hours left before the actual broadcast. As there's not much time and the show had to go on, around 5% of him was aired even though the image focused on Haha, the other member in IC and other guests. Also, because he talked a lot in that episode, his voice was remained intact while he only appeared when singers performed.  Unlike Gil, he didn't talk much and was largely edited out when there was more time focusing on editing after his withdrawal.

The rating for that November 8 show was totally unexpected. 14.7%, which was 2.2% higher than the previous episode according to TNmS in South Korea. Here's some possibilities on why the rating increased. It's just my thought about that.

1. The special was about "Saturday! Saturday! I am a Singer" special where singers from the 1990 to 1999 were invited to perform songs in order to advance to the show. It definitely brought back memories to the audience especially the Seo Tai-Ji part, therefore the increase in rating. Previously in episode 390, IC had also done a special where they invited singers from the 1990s to join in the fun. That episode garnered a 13.8% rating.

2. Noh's last episode. Fans of Noh would like to look how he was edited out from the show.

3. Noh's last episode. Audience would really want to know how he was edited out.

4. Maybe "Immortal Songs 2" and "Star King" not that interesting so many people tuned in to IC.

What's the real reason? It still yet to be uncovered.

Personal thoughts

During the "Election 2014" special, I've voted for Noh during the actual polling day in May. Shocking, right? I didn't vote for Yoo Jae-Suk even though I know it's a huge favourite. The reason why I voted for him is because I'm curious to know what will happen if he really becomes the leader, uncovering all the members' secrets.

With that incident happened, I could imagine what would have happened if he was chosen as a leader. Possible re-election or making Yoo to be the next leader if he was 2nd? That situation would be like what really happened in the political world where political members doing wrong things resulting in leaving their positions.

I felt shocked yet disappointed by the action he has done but I'm glad that he immediately withdrawn from his position knowing how the audience might feel if he had decided to stay. I really hope that he is making a deep reflection and come back as soon as possible with a brand new look.

One more thing, it's very important, PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!

Would I want to continue watching IC?

I will and will definitely wait when all 7 members reunite. Hopefully by the 500th episode in 2016?


  1. What a pathetic loser. I'm talking about you...omg the world is so sad end disappointing....celebrities have NO reason to be placed at a higher standard...it's a job he was drinking end driving...it happens everyday here. Cry me a river.

  2. What a pathetic loser. I'm talking about you...omg the world is so sad end disappointing....celebrities have NO reason to be placed at a higher standard...it's a job he was drinking end driving...it happens everyday here. Cry me a river.
